But another place was a calling, so we loaded up the truck and went a couple of miles down the road to the General Lafayette Inn. It was there I had had my next best beer of the year, The Economizer. This beer IMHO should only be made for the handpump, but alas, it ran out and I had to settle for one on tap. Still good, but not near as tasty. By now we were honored by the presence of the wonderful Father Mariano and his lovely friend "Syracuse". So everybody shot the poop, mostly about meeting someones date later that night and we had another beer and then we left and went to Mr. Rubeo's to finish watching Nova pull one out. All in all a right smart day.
Now for your viewing pleasure, a few pictures from EBB.
Mmm, food good, beer good. March birthday celebration for Mr. Tom and Ms. Kelly, priceless.
A very somber Mr. Baker wondering why Jack didn't show up.
The mighty fine beer board at EBB.
I did not hear many complaints from anybody about those choices.
crap, didn't notice the One Guy beer when we were there.
Too Bad Tom! The One Guy Wheat is really delicious! :-)
Steve looks like he just got beat up.
Beat up I thought that was my everyday look!
You know who Steve lives with Tom....
Joy's never home long enough to beat him up
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