Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Clean Up In Aisle 5

     The very, very, very, very long overdue cleanup and additions have begun. Oh and that posting thing too. According to a New York Times Bestseller author , 2016 will be the return of the blogger. I was hoping for my liver and some foolish pride. I guess beggars can't be choosers. So, here I go once again, trying to be irrelevant in a relevant world, or something like that. The Axis Of Evil tab is ready for your inspection. Mostly local places from Kepler Mountain to Reading and onward to the Main Line. The thought of adding a Philly tab just scares me half to death.


Bryan Kolesar said...

Sounds like the makings of a plan. Return of independent/unvarnished voices. Try not to leave a mess along the way.

Dan Bengel said...

It's a little late for that, mess is what I do best...

Anonymous said...

Already looking forward to your next post..............on December 16th 2016.

Dan Bengel said...

Everybody loves a smart ass......