We have been in Belgium for several hours now with little or no food. So our first order of business should be just what the blog poll said I should do. Start drinking. Who am I to disappoint my loyal fans? With that, we went downstairs to meet up with some other wonderful friends who came to town a few days before us to take in the sight of The Procession Of The Holy Blood. It is quite a huge event in Brugge, but I was a little surprised when I saw this picture of what looks like Jack Curtin in his Sunday best.

One of the great things about the DDK is that they have an honor bar. All kinds of lovely goodies and of course the right glass to put it in. It was getting a quick workout with us, especially with Maredsous 6. What a way to start the day! But our belly's be rumbling, so it was a real long 5 minute walk to Bier brasserie Cambrinus. This is one of the newer places in town and the reviews have been mixed. Our server that night had only been on the job for two days. (Don't worry, we broke him in.) But before we got to finally eating some dinner, we took a moment to give thanks to the Beer Gods. The recently defrocked Father Tom gave the blessing of the beer. After all, this was our Holy Blood. None of us that night had any problems with the beer, mostly because they have 4oo kinds of beer in their Bible. We were all slowly becoming converts to this Belgium religion.

Food was great and the beer, well when you can't even wait till Sunday to get a Westy 12, you pay a couple extra Euro and let one slide on down. It would be the first of many on this trip. By this time however I was falling asleep with my eyes open. Two days of little sleep and more than several beers will do that every now and then. Most of the troops soldiered on to bigger and better places. I went back to the DDK and had a beer at the picnic table with a couple of fine folks. That would be a scene that would be repeated on a nightly basis. But what happened later that night, after the first day of partying was done, would get every body's attention in the morning.

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