There it was on the first floor, shining brightly into the living room while the rain drops filled the night sky outside, was a TV set. I was so shocked by this, I ran down the steps into the "Cellar Of Cirrhosis" to get a beer and try to digest what I just saw, when I found a wall sized TV and, my hands are still shaking just thinking about it, A DOUBLE IPA ON TAP!
What kind of cruel Halloween prank is this I wondered? Have hop head aliens come down from planet Luplin and started taking over PBC? Where have all the funk and sour beers gone? I looked frantically around and quickly grabbed a Saison Brett and a Saint Somewhere and a RR Temptation to calm my nerves. As I shared my new found goodies with friends, somebody snuck a beer into my hands. I drank it down. It was the double IPA and it was good, real f-ing good of a matter of fact. But something weird happened, strange and mysterious things were going on since I drank that beer.
The cooler of death began to talk to me.
Then I saw a fraulein from the old closed Ludwigs bar and a doctor and a road crew worker.

Yay! some more pictures!
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