View from our room |
Wake up everybody no more sleeping in bed, we got to get some food at Snooze, so we can go out drinking again

. Okay, it's not quite the same remake as the Roots version, but it works for me. So, after a good night of sleep, we awoke to one hell of a view from our lovely place at the
Brooks Tower Condos.What a great visual to start your morning with. While everybody was getting ready, it was now time for me to prepare for the day by checking out some new beer places in the
Westworld magazine.That reading thing does come in handy at times.
We then strolled downtown to one of my favorite breakfast places ever,
Snooze. They opened up right before I last came to Denver, a little over 4 years ago and I was blown away. Now it was time to see if it would do same for my traveling companions. As you can plainly see, it was some good eats. Who else has fresh poblanos as a side for your breakfast tacos?
Oh, and those pancakes may have put a weaker man in a sugar coma, but the esteemed Mr. Kulp took it down. But there was one small problem. We were stuffed. To the gills. Like, I can't move anymore. So after several minutes of trying to get our shit together. We finally, with the help of a crane, got up and ventured out upon the streets of Denver.
Juan's breakfast tacos |
We decided to stroll down Blake Street and what to our wondering eyes did we find,
Breckenridge Brewery. It's 11:30 am and besides, it's always Thursday somewhere. I think in hindsight that this was more of a ploy to sit our fat butts down and continue digesting our giant breakfast than it was to drink beer. But beer was ordered, albeit a small one and a once over was given to this huge place. So after paying our tab, we started our stroll down Blake and saw the Falling Rock sign, and I uttered these famous words "I wonder if they still have Publication and Saboteur on?" Their answer was yes, and our answer was, where do you want to sit? So we grabbed a table outside and enjoyed a couple of beers and some beautiful warm weather. After a couple of hours of beer bliss, we forcibly remove ourselves and continued our walk down Blake to a brand new place called
Freshcraft. They have been open for about three weeks, and in the next several days we were to become some of their best customers. The reason we came at this time was a session happy hour, a sandwich, fries and a 5% beer for $8.50 and a house made pickle to boot, which is oh, so good. After making ourselves very happy and full, we then met up with the RJ team for a trip to the
Vine Street Pub for a beer or two and a snack, then we were off to the
Cheeky Monk for some dinner and a special tapping of Three Cheeks To The Wind, a super small batch of beer brewed by
Avery for their 3rd anniversary. It is all about timing folks. As we got seated outside, our waitress asked us for our beer order and we all ordered that. It wasn't on tap yet, but should be in two or three minutes. Sure enough about 10 minutes later we all had a glass and she proceeded to tell us that there were people at the bar that didn't get any as it was only a sixtel and it kicked in three minutes. Well, dinner was great, and the beer was damn good and the company wasn't too shabby either. So we all took a bus back into town and I headed off to sleep land after another tough 12 hour day, but the RJ team talked my companions into a so called nightcap at Rock Bottom. (remember the RJ line from the last story about wolves?) Which lasted well over two plus hours. Another lesson learned, the hard way of course. There would be plenty of more lesson to learn along the way. But it sure beats working.